The challenge.
Our user Matt Cole attending Creative Mornings once a month. While a lot of creative people attending this event to listen to a speaker and meet with other people, Matt feels disconnected from this community.
I came with the ambitious idea of the application which will help Matt to become friends with creatives.

After brainstorming and presenting ideas I finally settle with an idea of Creative Mornings Extensions.
Design process.
I recreated all routines of my user, connected to his problem, from initial notifications about upcoming event to the rating screen following theĀ event.

User flow was divided into pre event, post event stage, and extensions stage. First stage is about event notifications and getting a ticket.
Post event stage is about to rate the event, speaker, venue, topic, volunteers. Based on that rating app is moving you to the next Extensions stage.

Extensions are different events, classes and places to meet with people who share your interests.
Sketch wireframe
As we now user's goals and necessary steps in order to achieve them, I continued with sketches of possible application screens.
Low Fidelity wireframe
Visual Design
A lot of attention paid to the Extension screen. User can choose the type of extension he wants to attend. And being on the Meet Up screen, user can see all the details needed, including people, who decided to attend and events, related to this one.
Of course, the app includes chat and group chat options. Detailed user profiles are also provided. We remember that human connections is the goal of this application.
The results
Our user is able to attend various events and meet with people sharing the same passions and interests. Using this app connections with people are growing and our goal is completed.

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